phpMemcachedAdmin 1.2.2
See Live Stats | Actually seeing | Execute Commands on Servers | Edit Configuration
Get Stats
Hits 0 [ - %]
Miss 0 [ - %]
Rate 0.0 Request/sec
Set Stats
Total 0
Rate 0.0 Request/sec
Delete Stats
Hits 0 [ - %]
Miss 0 [ - %]
Rate 0.0 Request/sec
Cas Stats
Hits 0 [ - %]
Miss 0 [ - %]
Bad Value 0 [ - %]
Rate 0.0 Request/sec
Increment Stats
Hits 0 [ - %]
Miss 0 [ - %]
Rate 0.0 Request/sec
Decrement Stats
Hits 0 [ - %]
Miss 0 [ - %]
Rate 0.0 Request/sec
Touch Stats
Hits N/A on 1.4.4 [ - %]
Miss N/A on 1.4.4 [ - %]
Rate N/A on 1.4.4
Flush Stats
Total 0
Rate 0.0 Request/sec
Cluster Stats
Curr Connections 10
Total Connections 7287
Max Connections Errors 0
Current Items 0
Total Items 0
Eviction & Reclaimed Stats
Items Eviction 0
Rate 0.0 Eviction/sec
Reclaimed N/A on 1.4.4
Rate N/A on 1.4.4
Expired unfetched N/A on 1.4.4
Evicted unfetched N/A on 1.4.4
Cluster Default Servers List See Server Stats
Version 1.4.4, Uptime : 965 days 9 hrs 30 min
Cache Size Stats
Used 0.0 Bytes
Total 64.0 MBytes
Wasted 0.0 Bytes
Cache Size Graphic
Cache Size by GoogleCharts
Hash Table Stats
Size N/A on 1.4.4
Slab Reassign & Automove
Slabs Moved N/A on 1.4.4
Reassigning N/A on 1.4.4
Hit & Miss Rate Graphic
Cache Hit & Miss Rate by GoogleChart
Network Stats
Bytes Read 92.2 KBytes
Bytes Written 2.7 MBytes
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