phpMemcachedAdmin 1.2.2
See Live Stats | Actually seeing | Execute Commands on Servers | Edit Configuration
Get Stats
Hits 0 [ - %]
Miss 0 [ - %]
Rate 0.0 Request/sec
Set Stats
Total 0
Rate 0.0 Request/sec
Delete Stats
Hits 0 [ - %]
Miss 0 [ - %]
Rate 0.0 Request/sec
Cas Stats
Hits 0 [ - %]
Miss 0 [ - %]
Bad Value 0 [ - %]
Rate 0.0 Request/sec
Increment Stats
Hits 0 [ - %]
Miss 0 [ - %]
Rate 0.0 Request/sec
Decrement Stats
Hits 0 [ - %]
Miss 0 [ - %]
Rate 0.0 Request/sec
Touch Stats
Hits N/A on 1.4.4 [ - %]
Miss N/A on 1.4.4 [ - %]
Rate N/A on 1.4.4
Flush Stats
Total 0
Rate 0.0 Request/sec
Server Stats
Uptime 966 days 8 hrs 58 min
Memcached Version 1.4.4
Curr Connections 10
Total Connections 7391
Max Connections Errors 0
Current Items 0
Total Items 0
Oldest Item -
Eviction & Reclaimed Stats
Items Eviction 0
Rate 0.0 Eviction/sec
Reclaimed N/A on 1.4.4
Rate N/A on 1.4.4
Expired unfetched N/A on 1.4.4
Evicted unfetched N/A on 1.4.4
Server Configuration
Accepting Connections Yes
Max Bytes 64.0 MBytes
Max Connection 1024
TCP/UDP Port TCP : 11211, UDP : 11211
Listen Interface NULL
Evictions On
Path to Domain Socket NULL
Domain Socket Umask 700
Chunk Size 48
Chunk Growth Factor 1.25
Max Threads 4
Detail Enabled No
Max IO Ops/Event 20
CAS Enabled Yes
TCP Listen Backlog 1024
SASL Auth No
Cache Size Stats
Used 0.0 Bytes
Total 64.0 MBytes
Wasted 0.0 Bytes
Cache Size Graphic
Cache Size by GoogleCharts
Hash Table Stats
Power Level N/A on 1.4.4
Size N/A on 1.4.4
Expanding N/A on 1.4.4
Slab Reassign & Automove
Slabs Moved N/A on 1.4.4
Reassigning N/A on 1.4.4
Hit & Miss Rate Graphic
Cache Hit & Miss Rate by GoogleChart
Network Stats
Bytes Read 93.3 KBytes
Bytes Written 2.7 MBytes
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